
  • Fentanyl 100mcg Hr Patch
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 15:36

    I was just given a script for Fentanyl 100 mcg/hr from my doctor this evening. Prior to this I have been taking Kadian 30mg 3 times a day and 6 Percocet a day.

    I know nothing about Fentanyl and was wondering what the mcg/hr is and how long after I put this patch on does it start working and am I on the right dose? Is this 100 mcg/hr similar to my 90mg a day of the Kadian?

    How am I going to feel when this kicks in. I put the patch on at 9:30 pm and it is 12:30am now and I still feel nothing at all. Please someone help me to know what to expect and what I might feel like when i do feel it. Hi ChristyBug, Welcome to the MedHelp Forum of Pain Management. There are other members that use Fentanyl routinely for pain. They will be more helpful to you than I.

    I tried to take it and had allergic type symptoms. Fentanyl is one of the most powerful opioid analgesics with a potency approximately 81 times that of morphine. I note that you posted this nine hours ago.

    How Strong Is Fentanyl 25 Mcg Patch


    Your patch should now be in your system. It may take a few more hours to peak and last for up to 72 hours. The strength is higher than you former extended release morphine dose. There is some very good information on the Internet concerning Fentanyl Patches. There have been several recalls of the patch that contains the gel. There are new patches that do not have the gel encapsulated in primary location. They appear to be safer, though some patients claim they are not as effective.

    Many patients of the patch claim they have changed their lives and provide excellent pain relief. I hope you will be one of them.

    Others will post and offer additional suggestions and more information. Please let us know how you are doing. We all learn form one another. I am glad that you found us. Best of luck to you and Take Care, Tuck. Hello Christybug: Welcome to Med Help.

    I have used the patch for 9 months now and find it to be very effective but with some down-falls. The Patch will take at least 6 hrs. To begin to feel the effects and 12 hrs. For the full effect. DO NOT be affraid of the side effects you might experience for the first month.yes, I said month.You may feel light headed, nauseas, day or night sweats and very tired but that will go away with time. When wearing the patch, DO NOT expose it to exsesive heat (heating pad) or hot showers as this will let too much of the medicine into your system at once.

    I feel that with the dose of your previous meds, you may have a patch that is too strong for you and you will know this after the first three days or so. If the Doc has prescribed a breakthrough med, you might want to stay away from it until you know how the patch is going to work for you. I had a breakthrough and could not take it for the first couple of weeks because the Fentanyl was too strong. When choosing a patch, there are two different types.one is gel filled (I think it works best) the other is not, it is like a nicotine patch. I feel that the Nicotine patch does not work as well.


    I prefer the Gel. After your body adjust to the Fentanyl, you may find that 72 hrs is too long between doses. I change the patch every 48 hrs. You will know if you need to change the patch before the 72 hrs.

    Make sure you replace the old patch right away. You want to keep the constant stream of meds in your system. I hope this helps you. Take care and good luck. Hi, I was on the patch for about a month and for me I have a high body temp all the time (about 100.1) and it did not take any time at all it seemed for it to get into my system. So please be careful when using the patch. I would make sure that you have someone close so that if you have a bad effect they can help you.

    Fentanyl 100 Mcg Hr Patch Price

    Fentanyl patch 12 mcg hr

    My wife was there for me when i started it and I am glad she was there. I could not do anything she had to help me to the bathroom and eveything. After the 1st patch I was ok and could function a little.

    Also remeber DO NOT STOP ON YOUR OWN, if you feel that you need to stop you need to talk to your Dr and have him/her ease you off it. I stopped taking it because I wanted to get into bed with my elect blankets on ( was winter) so I took it off, that was a big mistake I had the shakes and sweats for 3 day I could not sleep I called my Dr and he had me take 4 750mg vic to try and help my body ease off of it. So I hope that it helps with your pain, and at the same itme I hope you are careful. If the patch is not effective, you can also try the Fentanyl lollipops, generic name is Actiq. The medication is absorbed very quickly through your mucosal membranes in your mouth.

    It works great for breakthru pain. But it is VERY powerful and you have to give yourself time to get used to side effects. Also, this may seem like a no-brainer, but I keep mine locked up in a safe as it is would be very dangerous if a child, or anyone not used to opiates, were to get ahold of them.

    I find that Actiq works great with methadone. The methadone is my long-acting medication and then I use Actiq whenever I have pain breakthru. It works in under 10 minutes. This is the worst detox in my life 10 days of withdraws i was on 100mcg every24 hours for 3 years not good life one day good 2nd day in bed withdrawing till next patch this is the worst thing out there i thought same as rest of people worked great at first then found i needed more and more dr just gave me more till i could not stand this life no more i warn all thinking of using your detox will be as long as use i am now clean 2 weeks with wifhdraws still they say this med is 100 times stronger than street herion please think before use i will never ever use this again. Hello, I have been a PM patient for about 10 years.

    When I started out I much preferred the oral immediate release oxycodone and morphine. The first time I tried the transdermal patches I was not getting what I expected and, thereby, not satisfied with relief. After many years of educating myself and careful scrutiny of my daily life as it revolved around chronic pain, I realized that I have many different 'layers' of pain. Ultimately, I realized that the constant, dull and aching pain that I experience in my trunk and legs is the most debilitating symptoms of my condition. Touted to be peripheral neuropathy, I tried virtually every non-opiate regimen to treat it without satisfaction. Large doses of oxycodone or morphine would make it bearable. Those doses, however, were just too high so as to cause so many side effects (mostly nausea and lack of sleep) that were not bearable.

    The second most debilitating symptom is that sharp (no longer shooting) pain in the center of my low back and at the base of my skull that can be easily managed with low-dose oxycodone and aspirin as long as I can stay active and stretch. Taking these two 'layers' into account, I truly exposed how much these symptoms were ruining my quality of life when their effect caused me to be somewhat distraught and depressed. I realized that I was using the oxycodone to treat the distraught/depressed feelings and that, without constant escalation of dosage, the oxycodone was not going to be effective in the long term. I gave the fentanyl another try and found that having a constant stream of this opioid in my system and given several months to 'smooth out' I am starting to climb back into a life that is rewarding and full of opportunity. I find that about the 10th or so day of effective clinical levels the overall analgesic effect of the fentanyl is incredibly empowering.

    It allows me to motivate myself towards health and progress. I have successfully moved down from the 100 to the 50mcg/hr patch and virtually eliminated using any BT meds. Understand that it takes some exposure to varying degrees of failure before the maturity level needed to objectively and successfully use narcotic pain meds is realized. Please note that, in my vast opiate experience, I have never found that fentanyl has ever given me that 'warm and fuzzy' feeling that other opioids do.

    In a short period of misusing the patches, I found that in an effort to find a euphoric effect I would 'nod out' rather completely and for long periods of time. There was a very VERY fine threshold between feeling 'good' and not breathing. Be safe, stay educated and have fun Patrick. You might want to do some research on the brand of patch you are on as some you are not suppose to cover them with tape, if they won't stick then at the pharmacy where you got them or a medical supply store look for 'Tegaderm' or 'Oppsite', I believe purdue will supply with an overlay patch to help them stick better.

    I would still be on fentanyl if I had insurance. As it is I can't even afford my meds right now and have been going through withdrawls now for days, 2 hours of sleep is all I get. Hi Constintine.:) This is a very old thread. I would ask you to please go to the top of the page & ask your question again. Most people won't even check out an old post from 2008 (7 years old). I do want you to know that I'm on Fentanyl,also, 75 mcg's every 48 hrs, but my Dr. Prescribes them 2 me that way.

    You need to have your PM (Pain Management ) Dr. Re-write your script.

    Until then you need to use them as presecribed so you won't run out AND so you won't be out of contract with you PM Dr. I'd hate for you to lose your PM Dr because you failed a drug test. My Dr told me that many people change their patches every 48 hrs as the 72 hours just doesn't work for a lot of people.

    Contact your Dr today and let him or her know that the patches just aren't giving you adequate relief for the full 72 hrs. I wish you the best and hope you will let us know how you are doing. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site.

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